Narrowing the Search of JFK Assassination Records

Narrowing the Search of JFK Assassination Records

In his book on the assassination of President Kennedy “A Cruel and Shocking Act,” Philip Shenon says that no one person can read all of the millions of pages of documents that have and are being released under the JFK Records Act, and no one expects anyone to.

Serious journalists like Shenon and historical researchers are expected to read the records that relate to their field of interest and subject matter, and most of the significant records are referenced in books that are basic to understanding the topic at hand, something that Shenon apparently hasn’t done or he would know better.

In adapting similar techniques used by scientists in making new breakthroughs and astronomers in locating other planets in the galaxy to historical archival research I call your attention to a blog post by the Archivist of the United States (AOTUS) David Ferriero, who recently reported on the discovery of thousands of letters and official documents penned by Walt Whitman that had previously escaped the attention of scholars that were sitting on the shelves of the Archives all along.

Whitman scholar Ken Price went to the Archives in search of new records, armed only with the recognition of Whitman’s unique handwriting style that was burned in his brain, and the knowledge that Whitman had worked as a secretary in the Justice Department for a few years during the Civil War. Price expected to find a few documents after searching the relevant records but he was surprised to find some right away, and then more and more, and so far has found thousands of previously unknown Whitman documents that will take Whitman scholars years to read and analyze.

In the same fashion, JFK researchers focus on their area of interest, and if Shenon had bothered, he would have found that besides the Mexico City “Twist Party,” there are literally dozens of similar cases of false reports attempting to link the assassination to Fidel Castro.

I have developed the Three Time Hits technique in which I begin a file on any subject that happens to be mentioned in diverse areas – which called my attention to Collins Radio, the International Rescue Committee, the Pan Am Bank of Miami and the Valkyrie plot to kill Hitler.

In addition, Peter Dale Scott, using his “negative template” thesis focuses on the records being withheld – so they narrow down the search for us by simply refusing to allow us to see certain records. And while they say the amount of documents still being withheld for reasons of national security is less than one percent of all the documents in the JFK Collection, there’s so many still being withheld that they can’t give us a number and tell us how many.

We will learn that figure in a few years, in October 2017 when the JFK Act requires all of the government records on the assassination to be released to the public, and they will narrow the most significant documents down even more when the various agencies request the President of the United States – whoever he or she may be, to continue withholding specific records.

While we will be waiting anxiously for that day to come, we will also ask and require all of the Presidential candidates in the next election to state for the record what they will do – release all of the remaining records or grant the agencies request to keep certain records sealed from the public.

In the meantime, as we peruse the most recently released records, we don’t have to read them all, just the ones that concern us and the ones they didn’t want us to see, but we can focus on a few specific areas of interest – such as the CIA plans to kill Fidel Castro, as those plans have been related to the murder at Dealey Plaza.

As former FBI agent Bill Turner simply put it – “The CIA had plans to kill Fidel Castro but one of those plans was turned around to kill JFK, and pin the blame on Castro.”

But which one of the plans was flipped? It wasn’t one of the more popularized CIA-Mafia plots that were going to utilize poison – it had to be a later plan, one that included killing Castro as JFK was killed – with a high powered rifle as he rode along in an open jeep, as he was known to do.

Watergate burglar Eugene Martinez was a JMWAVE maritime boat captain who said that he personally inserted many commandos into Cuba, “with high powered rifles with scopes that were not going to be used to hunt rabbits.”

One such insertion, made by the CIA raider ship “Rex” deposited a number of commandos into Cuba with high powered rifles on October 31, 1963, and they were captured and confessed to having been trained by the CIA and sent to Cuba to kill Castro.

And from the recently released records we learn there were several such plans, including the use of a bazooka in the plot that involved Syliva Odio’s father Amador Odio, and the Patherfinder plot, that we only learned about because the CIA kept the Patherfinder file in the NPIC safe area of JMWAVE instead of where it should have been filed, and the NPIC technicians knew about it.

They said Patherfinder was a plan to shoot Castro with a high powered rifle as he drove by in an open jeep near the Dupont estate near Havana, where he was known to frequent, but that plan was “disapproved,” which I take to mean that it went through channels to the National Security Council and Cuban Task Force group in Washington and maybe even to JFK or RFK and they “disapproved” it.

Another, similar plan was envisioned after it was learned that Castro visited Mary Hemingway at Hemingway’s house when she was packing his papers and belongings following his suicide, and the idea of trying to kill Castro there was breached to RFK and the Kennedy baiters try to use the “Hemingway plot” as an example of RFK’s knowledge of the plans to kill Castro.

When the CIA’s Desmond Fitzgerald briefed the Joint Chiefs of Staff on September 25, 1963 he mentioned they were adapting the Valkyrie plan to kill Hitler to Cuba, and the Valkyrie plan included two Phases, one overt and the other secret, with the overt plan to mobilize the Home Army to put down any revolt by foreign slave laborers in Germany, a plan that was actually approved by Hitler.

The secret Phase 2 part of the plan was to “dispose” of Hitler and blame it on the SS and Gestapo, but the attempt to kill Hitler with a bomb in July 1944 failed to kill him and hundreds, some say thousands of people were rounded up and executed or like General Rommel, permitted to commit suicide. Who says a lot of people can’t keep a secret?

While the bomb didn’t work, attacking a passing motorcade was a successful Modus Operandi in the 1914 assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which sparked World War I, and by the British Special Operations Executive (SOE) in 1942 – Operation Anthropoid to kill Nazi SS Reinhard Heydrich when his car slowed down to make a hair pin turn very similar to the one at Dealey Plaza.

The French OAS also tried to kill President deGaul in a “military style ambush” of his motorcade in 1962, but according to the official report, he was saved by the endurance of his Michelin tires.

Just as in the Valkyrie plot, it appears that the specific plan to kill Castro with a high powered rifle was submitted to the National Security Council and the Cuban Task Force as well as JFK and RFK for approval, but was “disapproved,” but that RFK was personally introduced to some of the JMWAVE CIA officers and anti-Castro Cuban commandos at their training site, so he would have had direct contact with those who were engaged in the plan to kill Castro that was redirected to JFK at Dealey Plaza.

Army Ranger Captain Bradley Ayers, who trained teams of JMWAVE commandos, wrote two books, “The War that Never Was,” that was published by Bobs-Merrell, who kept an office in the Texas School Book Depository. When William Harvey left the CIA as head of the Cuban Task Force he worked for Bobs-Merrell, and personally vetted Ayers’ book, eliminating key elements, some of which were included in Ayers’ second book “The Zenith Secret.”

In the second “Zenith” book, not vetted by the CIA, Ayers recalls meeting RFK twice, once with JMWAVE officials at a CIA safe house on a golf course, and a second time in the field, where RFK was flown in to the Everglades swamp camp to meet his team of commandos in training. Both of these incidents indicate that RFK and JFK were being set up – getting their approval to assassinate Castro, and then flipping the target to JFK at Dealey Plaza, a murder that was to be blamed on Castro, just as the Valkyrie plan was to blame the assassination of Hitler on the SS and Gestapo.

As Professor John Newman said in his talk at the Bethesda conference, and should relate in his new book “Where Angels Tread Lightly,” these plans have multiple levels to them, one visible and the other not so easily discerned, and at some point in time those who decided to kill JFK had to keep Castro from being killed because, as Newman puts it, “Castro had to be alive on November 22” because part of the plan was to blame him for the Dealey Plaza ambush.

So as we consider requesting and reading specific records being released under the JFK Act, we should not only focus on those records of special interest to our research, but also consider the records they have been denying us and will have to release to us by law, and concentrate on the records that have to do with the few CIA plans to kill Fidel Castro with a high-powered rifle, one of which was redirected to JFK at Dealey Plaza.

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